New Member Application
Join the Register for only £41 (£35 plus a once-only joining fee of £6)
Apply to join the Register quickly and easily online! New members will receive their membership card, the latest copy of the Register’s award-winning bi-monthly magazine “SIXappeal”, a copy of the club rules and a windscreen badge. You can join for one or two years; there is a £4 discount if you join for two years. Family members (additional members living at the same address) can be added for £3 per year.
There is now also a digital membership option, where instead of a hard copy of the magazine you receive a link by email, which allows you to download a digital copy. This costs only £25 per year (plus a once-only joining fee of £6) wherever in the world you live.
Have you been a member before? If so, please use the Rejoining Member Application.
• The form is designed so that you can work through it in order, from top to bottom.
• You must complete the fields marked *
• More input fields will be shown after you answer some of the questions, for example:
• The option to add a second year will be shown once you have chosen your membership zone.
• The option to add family members will be shown once you have chosen either one or two years.